- Ensure that cx_oracle is installed (Please see the References section for details).
- Locate/ create file tnsnames.ora
In case Oracle DB or client is installed, you can try to locate the file under ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/
- Add an entry for the target host and service name to tnsnames.ora
Example: - Ensure that TNS_ADMIN environment variable is set to the folder containing tnsnames.ora
- Change the database connection in Django settings file to
- Now, you are ready to connect to Oracle db.
- http://codeforaliving.blogspot.com/2015/02/installing-cxoracle-on-ubuntu_73.html
- http://www.orafaq.com/wiki/Tnsnames.ora
- https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.7/ref/databases/ (Please see the section related to Oracle)
Thanks for this helpful post.....:)